We Are IT




Production management and job-costing

Crystal Computer Consulting has been building software for manufacturers since our start.  At that time, our Synergy Accounting was being used to analyze costs, manage the supply chain, and efficiently schedule resources (parts, labor, and capital equipment) to make the production floor , well, more productive.  With Epiphany, we have upped the  ante in what we can do, providing integration with all aspects of the organization in ways that other packages simply can’t.

Our inventory system lets you manage your supply chain with ease.  Epiphany knows how to build your products—it understands not only your bill of materials, but what processes are required to complete  production, and how much time and resources are required along the way.  It also knows what orders exist out there from your customers, when they are expecting delivery, and the order status and lead times of your suppliers.  Yes, we do MRP as well as the best.

Integration with our HR system allows for manufacturer to tie time-and-attendance directly into their manufacturing.  For example, we can use time clocks on the production floor to track labor for job costing automatically—a single point of data entry for payroll and manufacturing.

Production support staff, like product engineers and maintenance staff can also be included in the picture.  While they may be using Epiphany’s Task and Project Management system to organize their workflow, this system integrates with the production system to provide additional job costing information about design time, tooling costs, and general maintenance overhead.  Production line employees can  submit maintenance tickets and review the status of ongoing operations that affect their workflow.

At Crystal, we are most proud of making Epiphany fit your specific manufacturing needs like a custom glove.  Whether you need software that can interface with custom manufacturing equipment, quality control instruments, or  you simply need to manage a unique, complete workflow problem, Epiphany is up to the challenge and can do the job better than our competition.



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