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Event Identification
Virtually any kind of database change can be used to trigger a Document Flow Event.

Multiple Event Actions
You can perform many different actions once an event is identified, including notifications, task reassignments, and cascading database changes.


Document/Record Flow System

Route records to the appropriate users for action, or notify them of events

Epiphany contains a robust Document Flow System that allows you to customize the way Epiphany handles document routing and event notification.  Rules can be created based off of any kind of change to the database, including record addition or deletions, changes to fields or relationships, or Electronic Signature events.  When these triggers occur, the Document Flow System can take many different actions, including:

  • Notifying users via the built in Epiphany Notification system, or via Email
  • Reassigning or completing tasks
  • Generating automatic reports
  • Modifying other database elements automatically

The Document Flow System allows you to manage your organizations workflow automatically.  Common uses include:

  • Sending Email notifications to people when tasks are assigned to them, or a task they submitted has been completed.
  • Notifying Sales Managers that a new Quote has been created, and they need to review and sign it.
  • Informing Account Managers whenever specific customer places an order, or creates a service ticket.

The possibilities are endless, and all of this notification and document routing can be configured to meet your specific requirements.


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