We Are IT



Old form instances are stored indefinitely

Electronic Signatures
Sign forms securely with a password

EForm Search
Search and retrieve EForms

EForm Categories
Categorize EForms to find them easier

Internal and External Use
EForms can be used internally, or by customers and vendors via a web interface

Document Workflow
Automate processes and electronically route EForms

Attach Documents
Attach supporting documents to EForms


Electronic Forms

Intelligently Managed and Routedocument Management System for files of all formats, including scanned documents

Businesses have needs for all sorts of forms.  Managing paper forms is difficult.  Users demand much more from electronic forms then fill-in-the-blank and print functionality.  A form should be easy to search for and retrieve, the system should keep a permanent archive of old forms, and most importantly, the forms need to route automatically to the proper people for approval and processing.

The Epiphany Electronic Forms module was designed to do all this.  Users can create forms with whatever fields they need.  Data elements can be custom, or can relate directly to other records in the Epiphany System (Companies, People, Inventory, Invoices, etc.).  Forms can be assigned to people, and even automatically flow from person to person as they are completed.

In accordance with Epiphany’s design philosophy, electronic forms can link to documents in the Document Management System, allow for Electronic Signatures, and work with Document Flow rules to manage automatic routing, including email notifications.

Benefits of Electronic Forms

  • Create any form, with any custom fields you need
  • Manage not only the forms, but the process, using Document Flow rules
  • Eliminate expensive paper-based system
  • Ensure that the form you are looking at contains the most recent data
  • Improve business communication between departments
  • Efficient and productive filing of documents

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