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Users can be required to supply their password every time they sign a document, meeting the legal definition of an electronic signature.

Time/Position Stamped
Signatures are automatically time stamped, as well as stamped with the current position of the user. This means you can see later not only WHO signed the document, but what position they held within your company at that moment.

Signature records can not be easily deleted or modified, another move legitimizing the electronic signature as a legal signature.


Electronic Signatures/Record Approvals

Sign documents and data records electronically

Electronic signatures can be used to signify approval, indicate that a document or record has been reviewed, or to certify that a specific action has been taken.  In Epiphany, electronic signatures are globally available, meaning you can sign records and review signatures for any and all elements in the database.

Common uses of this would include:

  • Approval of Quotes by Sales Managers, Production Supervisors, or  Credit Agents
  • Signed HR documents, like Employee Manuals, or new company policies
  • Signatures on tasks and projects, indicated who completed a task and when
  • Certification of new parts, indicating they are production ready
  • Signatures on Electronic Forms, replacing traditional signed paper documents
  • Signed approvals by managers for pay raises in the Payroll system

In Epiphany, ANY record can be signed, so you can sign individual journal entries in the General Ledger, specific lines of an AR Invoice, or even address or phone number records (don’t know why, but Epiphany doesn’t discriminate).

Electronic signatures are all meant to maintain a permanent electronic record, including information on not only who signed the record, but when, and in what capacity (were they acting as an approving manager, an employee completing a process, or a customer making a request).  You can even record a note along with a signature, providing additional information to those who review the signatures later.

Once signed, signatures become a permanent part of the database record.  They can not be deleted or altered like regular records, which allows them to carry a more legitimate and legal significance than other approval methods.

Signatures can also be used in conjunction with Document Flow Rules, to automatically kick off notifications to other users that work needs to be performed.


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