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Service Billing, Service Contracts, and Inventory Sales

Service companies and contractors are generally more concerned about labor time than most other industries.  Billable hours and service contract hours represent a large portion of their revenue, and depending on the specific business, parts sales may also contribute strongly to gross revenue.  Epiphany has many features meant to support this kind of operation.

Billing by the hour at a straight rate is the simplest pricing model used in this industry.  Like all other packages, Epiphany supports this well, and allows you to manage different hourly rates for different customers, as well as different rates for different kinds of service.

Contract billing can be a more complicated beast, and Epiphany handles multiple types of contract billing.  Fixed or time and materials billings are both supported, as well as support for one time contracts, recurring contracts, single task projects and period-based service contracts (extended warranties, etc).  All contracts can track time spent (whether or not the time is directly billable), parts (again, billable and non-billable), and other miscellaneous costs.  Like job-costing in a manufacturing system, Epiphany can report on the exact cost of your contract in time and materials, and compare it to the revenue generated from that contract to give you net revenue.

In addition to tracking costs, the Epiphany Task and Project Management system is used to manage the work itself.  Projects can be described, subdivided, assigned to people within your organization and managers can see the status of any job at any time. They can then reprioritize or reassign tasks and everyone can add notes and report time against the task. This allows everyone to know the exact status of the project in real time.

Epiphany Document Management allows the service organization to store spec sheets and product manuals for internal use or for distribution to customers.  A web interface exists for customers to view their own tasks, seeing a stripped down version of the same information available to internal staff.  The Document Flow system allows automatic notifications to be sent both internally to staff and externally to customers when certain key events occur, like the acceptance of a work order, the assignment of a task, or the completion of a project.



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